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      July 17, 2016Promenade des AnglaisFrank Dullaghan

      Anything can become a weapon—
      an airplane, a truck,
      the tongue,
      the thought that proceeds
      any of these. A gun.
      You have no place to go
      when this is over.
      There is seldom an end
      in sight, death
      more often an ambush.
      But when it is visited on us
      like this, when it mows us down,
      a false answer
      to someone else’s question,
      when it enters us
      with hate, insanity,
      perhaps we should ban all weapons,
      let no one own a gun
      or drive a truck,
      let no aircraft leave the ground,
      have all tongues silenced,
      all thoughts hidden under a blanket
      of drugs.
      Or we could choose
      to take our chances, hold hands
      and walk the Promenade des Anglais,
      watch the sea explode
      onto the land,
      our backs to the road,
      our hearts out there climbing
      into the sky,
      for the time that we have,
      the love that we have borrowed.

      from Poets Respond

      Frank Dullaghan

      “This poem responds to the Bastille Day truck attack in Nice, France. I wanted to respond to terror with hope, with the sense that there is still joy and love in the world.”
