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      Tribute to African American Poets

      Conversations with
      Toi Derricotte & Terrence Hayes


      #31 - $7Releasing in June, 2009, issue #31 celebrates the work of 30 African American poets. The very act of compiling an issue like this raises a number of difficult questions: What does it mean to be an African American poet? Do African American poets have to write about their racial experiences? Is there any justification for grouping poets together by race in the 21st century? Should white editors and scholars be free to participate in black literature? Does an issue like this do more harm than good?

      In Rattle #31 we can’t answer any of these questions, but we can enter into a dialogue on the intersection between race and poetry. The course is introspective, and our guides are provocative essays by Meta DuEwa Jones and Susan B.A. Somers-Willett, intimate conversations with Toi Derricotte and Terrance Hayes, expressive photography by Rachel Eliza Griffiths, and a wealth of poetry in a wide range of styles and subjects. The result, for us, has been a transformative experience, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to share it with a wider audience.

      As always, the Tribute is the focus of the issue, but not the totality of it. Rattle #31’s open section features the work of 55 poets, whose proclivities are as varied as their backgrounds. And in the back pages, our first-person contributor notes are almost as fun to read as the poems themselves.


      African American Poets

      Meta DuEwa Jones Descent and Transcendence…
      Susan B.A. Somers-Willett Through the Invisible Cloak…
      Alvin Aubert Hopefully Soon
      DéLana R.A. Dameron Cartographer
      Toi Derricotte from The Telly Cycle
      Camille T. Dungy They Win the Upper Hand
      Thomas Sayers Ellis A Few Excuses
      Vievee Francis Say It, Say It Any Way You Can
      Idris Goodwin Why Do They Call Bill Clinton…
      Myronn Hardy Mucambo
      Janice N. Harrington Ode to the Bedpan
      Yona Harvey Sound—Part 1 (Girl with Red Scarf)
      Terrance Hayes Model Prison Model
      Alan King Chagrin
      Willie James King Speculative
      Danusha Laméris The Lord God Bird
      Jacqueline Jones LaMon Who Are You and Whom Do You Love?
      Jennifer Donice Lewis Medusa’s Defense
      Herbert Woodward Martin On the Flyleaf of C.K.W.’s Selected…
      Melissa McEwen The Girls on Josephine Street
      Grace Ocasio Ars Poetica
      Katy Richey A Guide for Black and White Crossing
      Gary Earl Ross For the Man Whose Son My Son Killed
      Mary Mclaughlin Slechta The Hour of Our Belief
      Patricia Smith Ain’t Gonna Play Sun City
      Lolita Stewart-White Civil Rights Cold Case #62…
      Lynne Thompson Overheard at Starbucks: A Black Hat…
      M. M. Vertreace-Doody Driving Under the Full Wolf Moon
      Marcus Wicker Self Dialogue Reading Etheridge Knight
      Ian Williams Hero
      L. Lamar Wilson Dreamboys
      Scott Woods To the High School Thug That Broke…


      Albert Abonado Apartment 2B
      Arlene Ang Tonsillitis
      Josiah Bancroft To Stop a Dinner Guest
      Heather Bell Love
      Randy Blythe For Aunt Louise, Who Never Liked Me
      Bruce Bond Far
      C. Butterworth-McDermott Load
      Michael Campagnoli from Beirut (1982–84): A Cycle…
      Patrick Carrington Today She Bought the Hideous Tie…
      Tom Chandler Ghosting
      Mario Chard On the Question of What Drives…
      Larry Crist Last Day on Earth
      James Doyle Godly
      Sally Doyle Skinning a Child Alive
      Alan Fox All Seasons
      Robert Funge A Starbucks Romance
      Maria Mazziotti Gillan The Cedar Keepsake Box
      Tony Gloeggler A Good Bad Day
      Kimi Cunningham Grant Interference
      David James The Famous Outlaw
      Laurie Junkins Midwestern Gothic
      Christopher Kempf Porn
      Katie Kingston History of My Body
      Andrew Kozma Elevator
      Eric Lee Off Duty at Bare Exposures…
      Lyn Lifshin Lips
      Laurie B. Ludmer An Ordinary Orderly
      Prairie L. Markussen Homeschool Fieldtrip, 2nd Grade
      Joe Mills Conversation
      E.K. Mortenson Dreaming of Emily Dickinson
      Travis Mossotti Crossing the Gap
      Dave Newman Miserable
      David O’Connell Thaw
      Matthew Olzmann Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised…
      Brett Ortler What the Dead Tell Us About Charon…
      Charlotte Pence (a+b+c)
      Kate Peper Don’t You Miss the Phone Booth—
      Jennifer Perrine Home Visit: Jenny
      Sam Pierstorff It Takes Balls to Have a Vasectomy
      Christine Poreba Unplotted
      Charles Rafferty Ohio
      Tera Vale Ragan Sunday Picnic on the Vltava
      Mark Rich Into the Fog
      Michael Salcman The Night Before
      Hayden Saunier Poem in Search of a Horse
      Alan Soldofsky Early Night
      Lee Stern Determining Who the Marchers Were
      Kate Sweeney Death of the Hired Hand, Hiawatha…
      Phyllis M. Teplitz The Redwood Plague
      Jeff Vande Zande Microcosm
      Wendy Videlock The Void
      Dear Universe,
      David Wagoner In Memory of His Memory
      Tana Jean Welch Claes Attempts to Understand Women
      Kenny Williams Daphne
      Michael T. Young The Risk of Listening to Brahms


      Toi Derricotte
      Terrance Hayes