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      Tribute to Speculative Poetry

      Conversations with
      Rhina P. Espaillat & Timothy Steele


      Rattle #38

      So much of contemporary poetry is self-oriented, pseudo-biographical, and set in something like the present reality that it’s easy to forget that poetry doesn’t have to be so grounded—and that the current dominance of psychological realism is far from the historical norm. In fact, the oldest poems we still have—the ancient epics of Gilgamesh, the Mahabarata, the Iliad, and so on—might all be described by an impartial observer as  “speculative.” King Gilgamesh himself may have been a historical figure, but the gods and goddess, the wild man Enkidu, and the monstrous Humbaba are all pure imagination. Think of A Midsummer Night’s Dream or The Faerie Queen.

      This is what we mean by “speculative,” a term often attributed to Robert A. Heinlein as a broader alternative to science fiction. Whether poetry or prose, speculative writing always creates a new world. Suzette Haden Elgin, founder of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, defines speculative poetry succinctly as writing “about a reality that is in some way different from the existing reality.” This includes science fiction (whether hard or soft), fantasy, horror, supernatural, superhero, utopian, dystopian, apocalyptic, alternate history, and anything else along those lines that’s yet to be defined.

      But why speculate on what might be speculative? As always, we put out a call for submissions, this time for “otherworldly” subjects, and let the community of writers dictate where the boundaries might be. The result is the 50-page feature section—35 poems culled from some 10,000 offerings. A Viking party, broken up by police. A slime mold’s singularity. Alien frat boys. A garden of words that give weeds a whole new meaning. Androids, asteroids, X-Men. In one poem, never-ending stairs appear in a hole outside of town. In another, Rocket J. Squirrel goes (alone) to couples therapy.

      Clearly this is a journey somewhere strange, which raises the question: Why embark at all? Isn’t speculative writing just a form of escapist genre fiction—daydreams of another world that help us avoid addressing this one? Quite often that does seem to be the case. Countless submissions constructed vast and bizarre universes with the deftest of verse, but left us wondering, what for? Other poems, though—those that follow, and more—managed the transformative magic that makes real poetry. They say what cannot be said another way; they construct new worlds in response to the confines of this one. They make what’s strange, and leave you feeling changed. And unlike the real world, it’s never a dull ride.

      Issue #38 also includes a large selection of open poetry, interviews with formalists Rhina P. Espaillat and Timothy Steele, and the 2012 Rattle Poetry Prize winners. In addition to the $5,000 winner, Heidi Shuler’s “Trials of a Teenage Transvestite’s Single Mother,” subscribers are invited to vote for the first annual $1,000 Readers’ Choice Award from among the finalists.


      Audio Available = audio available

      Speculative Poetry

      Burt Beckmann Howie Night Dróttkvaett
      Audio Available Kristin Berkey-Abbott Currencies
      Ash Bowen The Astronaut Explains Divorce to Me
      Audio Available Rachael Briggs Singularity
      Chris Bullard How We Knew Them
      Audio Available Jeannine Hall Gailey Elemental
      Audio Available Rhonda Ganz Cryogenesis
      Audio Available Conrad Geller The Destination
      Kim Goldberg Green Thumb
      Audio Available Benjamin S. Grossberg The Space Traveler’s Moon
      Audio Available Penny Harter Blue Sky
      Audio Available Rebecca Hazelton Elise as Android …
      John Philip Johnson Stairs Appear in a Hole Outside of Town
      Audio Available Deborah P Kolodji Bashō After Cinderella
      David Kutz-Marks Seraph
      John Laue The Poetic States of America
      Michael Lee The Taking of Lead
      Ben McClendon In Case of Unrest
      Ken Meisel Reminiscences
      Dave Nielsen Police Report
      Aimee Parkison The Creature
      Audio Available Ken Poyner The Robotics Problem
      Audio Available Richard Prins The God Zoo
      Marilee Richards One Possibility
      Howard Rosenberg Unprepared for the Afterlife
      Noel Sloboda Self-Portrait as a Raccoon
      Audio Available Laurence Snydal Eye in the Sky
      Claire Wahmanholm Rooms, Atoms
      BJ Ward Wolverine the X-Man Kisses
      Audio Available Charles Harper Webb Blackdoog
      Audio Available Lesley Wheeler Science Fiction
      Corrie Williamson Xanthus, Achilles’ Immortal Warhorse …
      Shangrila Willy What to Say When Your Baby Sister …
      Audio Available Natalie Young Discussing Earth Insects


      Audio Available Ruth Bavetta Elegy for My 1958 Volkswagen
      Audio Available Patricia Callan Clerking at the Ideal Laundry
      Audio Available Sage Cohen What’s Wrong With
      Audio Available Rhina P. Espaillat Familiar Faces
      Audio Available Robert Fanning Watching My Daughter…
      Audio Available Doris Ferleger Lookists
      Audio Available Megan Fernandes The Flight to Sacramento
      Alan Fox Together
      Audio Available Ted Gilley The People Across the Street
      Beth Gylys Second Marriage
      Eloise Klein Healy Spitball
      Audio Available Edison Jennings Blue Plate Special
      Audio Available Glenn Kletke Sledding
      Joanne Koong Clockwork Conjectures
      Richard Krohn Pancakes
      Audio Available Danusha Laméris Arabic
      Daniel J. Langton Bosnia
      Audio Available Bob Lucky Wouldn’t You Confess?
      Audio Available Michael Meyerhofer Pasteurization
      Audio Available Loretta Obstfeld My Life with Jeff Goldblum …
      Christopher Presfield Morning Riff
      David Rosenthal Pretty Pair
      Anele Rubin A Man on the Subway
      Justin Runge History
      Audio Available Barbara Schmitz Pretty Sure
      Mather Schneider The Mermaid of South Mark Road
      Phil Shils Patient Encounter
      Audio Available Martha Silano La Gioconda
      M. Jeanne Skvarla Some Degree of Shameful Relief
      Sarah Pemberton Strong Another Thing That Amazes Me
      Audio Available Emma Törzs Watching Fireworks Alone
      Audio Available Jessica Young Instructions Included with Telescope

      Poetry Prize Winner

      Audio Available Heidi Shuler Trials of a Teenage Transvestite’s Single Mother


      Audio Available Lytton Bell Jane’s Heartbreak Yard Sale
      John Brehm Time Out
      Norma Chapman My 1930 Model A Ford
      Audio Available Kim Dower “How Was Your Weekend,”
      Anna Evans Zeitgeber
      Audio Available Catherine Freeling The Robbery
      David Hernandez Dear Proofreader
      Audio Available Krista Lukas Patio Tomatoes
      M For Those Who Never Know …
      Kenny Williams The Return


      Rhina P. Espaillat
      Timothy Steele

