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      Conversation with
      Peter Munro

      Rattle #49

      Rattle #49 features poetry from twenty scientists, and an expansive conversation with Alaskan fisheries scientist Peter Munro. We received over 1,000 submissions from poets working in the sciences, and with this issue we explore the relationship between science and poetry through poetry. How does rigorous investigation influence the poetry? Is verse an escape from, or an extension of, the day job? We’ll study that.

      It isn’t all hard data and peer review, though—the issue’s open section also features another 19 poets from non-scientific backgrounds.



      Len Anderson The Basic Question
       Audio Available Daniel Becker Joint National Commissions Galore
      Dennis Caswell Turing Test
       Audio Available Meg Eden Tohoku Ghost Stories
      Anna M. Evans The Non-Euclidean Universe
       Audio Available Annelyse Gelman How to Pray
       Audio Available Richard Hedderman Mummies
       Audio Available Ilana Kelsey Grandmother:
      Julie Bloss Kelsey Four Haiku
       Audio Available Ruth Madievsky Tuning Fork
       Audio Available Peter Munro If This Is Middle Age Then I’ll Die at 93.667
       Audio Available John Nimmo Advice to a New Postdoc
      Erin Noteboom Curie in Love
       Audio Available Edward Nudelman Inertia Violated
      Katrina Outland Cleaning
      Julia Runcie How the River
       Audio Available Amy Schrader You Might Think This Is What Happens
      Matthew J. Spireng Dog Sitting in Snow
       Audio Available Arthur J. Stewart Five Types of Confidence
       Audio Available Suzanne Zeitman Pathetic

      Open Poetry

      George Bilgere Ghostly Heron
      Franny Choi Home (Initial Findings)
      Lauren S. Cook Oranges
      Mike Faran Enchilada Night
      Alan Fox Ashes to …
      Audio Available Ethan Joella A Prayer for Ducks
      Lynn Levin Buying Produce from the Marked-Down Cart
      Nina Lindsay In the End
      Michael Mark Roly-Poly Bodhisattva
      James Davis May At the Artists’ Colony
      Bronwen Butter Newcott Shame at Eight
       Audio Available Jack Ridl “Together in the Back Yard”
      Anele Rubin Tired
       Audio Available Adam Scheffler 1WTC
      Thadra Sheridan When They Told Me You Had Died
      Sarah Pemberton Strong Anesthesia
      Dennis Trudell Holiday Tale
      Irene Wellman Vision
      Mike White So, If Everyone Jumped Off a Bridge


      Peter Munro


      Colleen McLaughlin