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      Adjunct Poets

      Conversation with
      Jennifer Jean

      Rattle #53Rattle #53 features a tribute to 22 adjunct instructors, and a spirited conversation with Jennifer Jean, covering the current plight of adjuncts in academia, her work with sex trafficking survivors, and time spent as a Tarot card reader. Over 65% of U.S. college faculty now work as adjuncts, facing low wages, limited hours, and high instability. We wanted to highlight their writing, while also showing support for recent efforts at gaining better treatment by the university system. As always, the goal was to show the wide range of creative work that the featured group is producing, so while many poems address their careers, others cover a variety of subjects. All of them share their thoughts on adjuncting in the contributor notes section.

      The first half of the issue features an eclectic mix of work by seventeen poets from other fields.



       Audio Available Heather Altfeld  Pliny’s Traveling Apothecary …
       Audio Available Ned Balbo  Rare Book and Reader
      John Bradley  What I Never Told My Draft Board
      Aubrie Cox  Five Haiku
       Audio Available Anna M. Evans  The Adjunct’s Villanelle
       Audio Available R.G. Evans  Almost Holy
       Audio Available Howard Faerstein  Exercises for Freshman Composition
       Audio Available Gail Goepfert  Cold Calling
       Audio Available Steve Henn  Always Wanted a Career in Education? …
      Brionne Janae  As You Recall the End of Their Marriage
       Audio Available Jennifer Jean  #CarryThatWeight
       Audio Available Clint Margrave  Recap of Yesterday’s Tenure-Track …
       Audio Available  Meursault Gets a Job as an Adjunct …
      Jeff McRae  Performance Without Notes
       Audio Available Sharon Fish Mooney  Wheat Fields with Reaper
       Audio Available Peter Murphy  Mean Time
       Audio Available James B. Nicola  Curtailed Sonnet
       Audio Available Julie Price Pinkerton  After I Got the Email …
      Elaine Sexton  Anthem
       Audio Available Rebecca Snow  Sestina for Adjuncts
       Audio Available Brent Terry  21st Century Autoimmune Blues
      Meghan Tutolo  Allegheny Valley, Exit 48
      Kathleen Winter  Job Security

      Open Poetry

       Audio Available Steve Abbott  Ringtone Pantoum
      Dennis Caswell  My Pet Alien
      Peter Davis  The Future as We Planned It
       Audio Available John Guzlowski  Death and Poetry
       Audio Available Sarah Hart  Self-Portrait as a Highway
       Audio Available Lynne Knight  Water Child
       Audio Available Quincy R. Lehr  War Song
       Audio Available Michael Mark  The First Thanksgiving, Exactly
       Audio Available Darren Morris  A Handbook for the Blind
       Audio Available Jessica Plante  After Joining OkCupid …
       Audio Available Hayden Saunier  The Way It Is with My Father
        Mather Schneider  Our Morning Train
       Audio Available Hillery Stone  Lexicon for a Simpler Childhood
       Audio Available Charles Tisdale  Air Borne
       Audio Available Craig van Rooyen  Meeting the Buddha
      Wendy Videlock  Redress
       Audio Available Carolyne Wright  Lady from Mountains


      Jennifer Jean

      Cover Art

      Allison Merriweather