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      Athlete Poets

      Conversation with
      Stephen Dunn

      Rattle #60The stereotypes about athletes and poets might make it seem like an odd combination, but poetry lives everywhere, and stereotypes need to be broken.  The summer issue of Rattle features 22 poets who break the mold—professional athletes from the NFL and NBA, tennis pros, soccer players, weightlifters, marathon runners, and more—capped off with a wide-ranging conversation with semi-pro basketball player and Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Stephen Dunn. As these poets explain in a particularly interesting contributor notes section, poetry and athletics fit together like a hand in a ball-glove.

      The open section will make you laugh and cry as always, with a little more formal verse than usual, and an epic “Choose Your Own Adventure” poem by Caroline N. Simpson, which also adds a splash of color art for the first time in years.


      Athlete Poets

       James Adams  No Name
      Audio Available  Elison Alcovendaz  What Are You Doing Now?
      Audio Available  Chaun Ballard  Midnight Lazaruses
      Audio Available  Erinn Batykefer  Gimmie Shelter
       T.J. DiFrancesco  Magicker
      Audio Available  Stephen Dunn  Little Pretty Things
      Audio Available  Peg Duthie  Decorating a Cake While Listening to Tennis
      Audio Available  Michael Estabrook  Grand Illusion
      Audio Available  Daniel Gleason  Shadow Boxing Late at Night
      Audio Available  Tony Gloeggler  Some Long Ago Summer
      Audio Available  Alex Hoffman-Ellis  Modern Day Gladiator
      Audio Available  A.M. Juster  Heirloom
       Benjamín N. Kingsley  Fall
      Audio Available  Laura Kolbe  Calisthenics
      Audio Available  Michael Mark  Golf with Bob
       Tom Meschery  Two from Searching for the Soul
      Audio Available  Jack Ridl  Can We Know?
      Audio Available  Laszlo Slomovits  Strangers
      Audio Available  Brent Terry  What Happens in Church
      Audio Available  Martin Vest  Should I Spill My Beer
      Audio Available  Arlo Voorhees  The NFL on CTE
      Audio Available  Guinotte Wise  The Why of Bull Riding


      Audio Available  Timothy DeJong  Dog at the Farm
      Audio Available  Kim Dower  The Delivery Man
      Audio Available  Joseph Fasano  Hymn
       Alan C. Fox  Help
      Audio Available  Conrad Geller  Elemental Intelligence
      Audio Available  Athena Kildegaard  Allurement
      Audio Available  David Mason  A Cabbie in America
       John Lazear Okrent  After Seeing a Picture in the New York Times …
      Audio Available  Caroline N. Simpson  Choose Your Own Adventure …
       Anne Starling  Compassionate Friends
      Audio Available  Katherine Barrett Swett  Marginalia
      Audio Available  Stephen Taylor  Prenuptial Agreement
       William Trowbridge  Oldguy: Superhero vs. The Riddler
       Bro. Yao (Hoke S. Glover III)  Winter’s Blues


      Stephen Dunn

      Cover Art

      William C. Crawford (web)