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      Persona Poems

      Conversation with
      Kim Bridgford

      Rattle #63 cover, woman with owl maskThe Spring 2019 issue features a tribute to Persona Poems. This theme was a reader suggestion, and we thought it was a great idea. Poems work like little empathy machines, and nowhere is that imaginative power more apparent than when the writer dons a mask and speaks from a different perspective. The tribute includes 18 poets writing in the voice of someone else. In the conversation section, editor Timothy Green talks to “America’s First Lady of Form,” poet Kim Bridgford. We also include the long title poem to her forthcoming book, Blue Whale Sonnets.

      Another eclectic open section includes a haiku sequence for Graceland, Anders Carlson-Wee telling us where he’s at, the return of Rayon Lennon with a kind of sequel to his 2018 Rattle Poetry Prize winning “Heard,” and so much more.


      Persona Poems

      Audio Available Kim Bridgford Blue Whale Sonnets
      Deborah H. Doolittle Lament of the Violin
      Audio Available Alexis Rhone Fancher Tonight at Last Call, J. Calls Me …
      Audio Available Joseph Fasano Caril Ann Fugate
      Brock Guthrie Las Vegas
      Stephen Harvey Petrarch Looks for Laura at Holiday World
      Red Hawk The Indian Killer Explains Manifest Destiny
      Maggie Rue Hess A Housekeeper’s Villanelle
      Audio Available Lynne Knight Fugue: Red Bird Taking Wing
      Audio Available Sue Fagalde Lick Mustering Out
      Audio Available Amy Miller The Turkeys by the Road Consult with the Deer
      Audio Available Jennifer Perrine Colossal
      Alexander Radison My Mother Speaks to Me from the Dead
      Jennifer Reeser Strong Feather Buries the White Woman
      Audio Available Liz Robbins Bingo Caller
      Audio Available Carrie Shipers In Preparation for a Visit from Our CEO
      Jamey Temple Three Sijo
      Larina Warnock Elroy Trains the Stock Boy


      Audio Available Clayton Beach Graceland
      Audio Available C. Wade Bentley Recalculating
      Audio Available Jesse Bertron Arc
      Audio Available Anders Carlson-Wee Where I’m At
      Rachel Custer The Grand Dragon of the KKK Is Buried …
      Audio Available Kim Dower Letter to My Son
      Audio Available Frank Dullaghan How Quickly the World Can Change
      Audio Available Jim Gustafson Shards, Storms, Smoke, and Sprouts
      Audio Available John Philip Johnson The Book of Fly
      Laura Judge Skin
      Audio Available Peycho Kanev The Hope
      Audio Available Rayon Lennon Red Brick Town
      Al Maginnes Stern
      Audio Available Marsh Muirhead Four Haiku
      Audio Available Linnea Nelson Counting to Twelve at Willamette Park
      Antonia Pozzi Solitude
      Audio Available Jenny Qi Machine Learning
      Audio Available Hayden Saunier Object Lesson in Over-Attachment
      Katherine Barrett Swett City of Refuge
      Craig van Rooyen Prozac Ode


      Kim Bridgford (web)

      Cover Art

      Angie Rehnberg (web)