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      Rattle Poetry Prize

      Conversation with
      Dean Radin

      The Winter 2024 issue features our 11 Rattle Poetry Prize winners, including the 1st prize poem, “Among Other Things” by Arthur Russell. The finalists this year include a traditional sonnet, a performance poem, and more humor than we’ve had in years. Subscribers will decide the contest’s runner-up in our Readers’ Choice Award.

      The issue also includes a mind-bending conversation with parapsychologist Dean Radin about the far reaches of human creativity. Can poems see the future? Can poems change the future? We explore those questions with the world’s leading researchers of “real magic.”

      Open Poetry

      Sarah E. Azizi Single Mom Finally in Repose
      Joe Barca The Yips
      James Crews So Much Space for Song
      Jim Daniels French Omelet
      Lenny DellaRocca Hallelujah
      Terri Kirby Erickson Family Vacation
      Stephanie Glass A Letter to My Friend After Swimming
      Edmund Jorgensen Regrets
      Willie James King They Sing
      Ron Koertge The Afterlife
      Ted Kooser Carrying Paul
      Keetje Kuipers Hurt Bone
      Moss Lelko The Care and Feeding of Betta Fish
      David Mason Obiter Dicta
      Charlotte Matthews The World I Cannot Catch
      Steven Monte On the Meaning of Walls
      Amy Newman Abandoned Fair
      Alma Olaechea Severe Atypia
      Aaron Poochigian Club Escape
      Todd Robinson Year Six
      Sadie Shorr-Parks Tornado
      Chase Twichell Invisible Horse
      Bro. Yao (Hoke Glover III) My Father Speaks of His Father.

      Poetry Prize Winner

      Audio Available Arthur Russell Among Other Things


      Stephen Allen The Sadness of Morning Glories Out of Season
      Demetrius Buckley The We
      Wendy Cannella Reading Your Posthumous Collection Backward
      Dante Di Stefano To My Brother
      Chad Frame Claw Machine
      Amy Hughes Safety Drill
      Lance Larsen Dear First Draft of This Poem
      Betsy Mitchell Martinez Yes Day
      Dave Newman I’m Trying to Lead This Old-Timey Veteran
      Evan P. Schneider Rural Education


      Dean Radin (web)

      Cover Art

      Eve Mazur (web)