#63 - Spring 2019
The Spring 2025 issue features what might be the most dynamic form in contemporary poetry—the haibun. Developed by Basho in 17th-century Japan as a way to combine haiku with travel journals, the variations on the form have exploded in the English-language haiku community over the last few decades, revealing how important a sense of movement is to poetry. The issue features a conversation with haibun poet Lew Watts, along with a large selection of open poetry.
Haibun |
Roberta Beary | A Short History of the Birds and Bees | |
Katie Beswick | What Did You Call Me? | |
Tim Cremin | Act IV | |
Amy Dougher-Solórzano | After the Overdose | |
Seth Friedman | Trenches | |
Engin Gülez | Absence | |
Kat Lehmann | Category 5 | |
Bob Lucky | At the Cemetery, the Church of St. James, Porto | |
Annette Makino | Migration | |
Hemat Malak | Aerodynamic Drag | |
Tanya McDonald | Fourth of July | |
Debra Murphy | Left Fielder | |
Ginel Ople | What Remains True after the Golden Anniversary | |
Lorraine A. Padden | Reading the Room | |
J.B. Penname | Leprosy | |
Carla Schwartz | Impact | |
Alan Summers | The Moon Is in My Torch | |
Namratha Varadharajan | Threadbare | |
Lew Watts | Mannequin | |
Michael Dylan Welch | Step Quota | |
Valorie B. Woerdehoff | Clean-up on Aisle 4 | |
Rich Youmans | Brain Teaser | |
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Open Poetry |
Kim Addonizio | Pima Canyon | |
Nancy Beagle | Second Time Going | |
Jim Burrows | The Elevator | |
Susan Cohen | Self-Portrait Surrounded by Doves | |
Arlene DeMaris | Seventeen | |
Sonia Greenfield | Storage Spaces | |
David Kirby | The Queen of Quirk Says Goodbye to Her Not-Me | |
Lance Larsen | Why I Petted the Cat | |
Michael Lavers | There Is a Fire | |
Dominic Leading Fox | Down in the Gully | |
Matt Mason | I Owe You a Poem | |
Chelsea McClellan | Sestina Sophia | |
Joseph Mills | Guttering | |
Richard Prins | Natural History | |
Kelly Sargent | Haiku and Senryu | |
Prartho Sereno | Almost | |
Carrie Shipers | Things I Found While Cleaning Out My Parents’ House | |
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Conversation |
Lew Watts | ||
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Cover Art |
Kimberly Kelly Santini (web) |