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      July 4, 2017Questions of the HeartDavid Jordan

      Love slips away
      like starshine, like the sea,
      like summer. It’s here,
      it’s gone,
      you didn’t see
      it go. Somehow,
      though, love turned
      to expectation, to demand,
      to negotiation, to eyes
      turned aside
      from questions of the heart.
      I equated love
      with fate, believed
      a specific someone waited
      out there
      for each of us,
      the task was to stay loose,
      stay alert, grab love’s main chance
      when it came. Now I realize
      people connect
      for a million wrong reasons,
      collide and entwine
      and slide away and sometimes
      split but often stay
      together yet apart, year
      after year, and then one day
      a man is fifty years old
      and wishing
      someone loved him.

      from #17 - Summer 2002

      David Jordan

      “I write poetry to explain life to myself. If I continue to write, perhaps someday I will understand. That will be nice.”