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      August 25, 2015RehabDavid Bottoms

      In 308 my mother is stewing. Not because a nurse smashed
      her porcelain vase and scattered roses across the floor,
      or because an aide swiped an apple salvaged from her lunch tray.
      Even now from this bed, she feels dust
      glazing her china cabinet, wind whistling
      under the plate glass door in the den. The chill circles her kitchen.
      The furnace is off, the house trembling. The bony clock creaks
      in the shifting corner. Leaves swirl in the garage.
      In 308 my mother broods, her cracked ribs are slow to mend.
      She lies on her back, hands at her side, jaw set,
      staring at the ceiling, at the blistered ceiling,
      as though what she studies
      are answers written in a secret code
      and not just water stains under a light fixture.

      from #48 - Summer 2015

      David Bottoms

      “I started writing poetry way back in the dark ages. Somehow early on I got the notion (probably from Robert Penn Warren) that writing poetry is a way of searching for meaning in one’s life. I’m still writing and still searching.”