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      May 12, 2012ReunionGordon Grilz

      For Cheryl

      For as long as I can remember
      I’ve been an outsider
      a stranger in my own heart
      caught between the way it could have been
      and the way it was.

      You must have sensed me
      thinking of you
      in the birch trees on the mountain.
      Or did you remember me
      dreaming out your window
      in the rain?

      A hummingbird hovers
      on the blossoms
      of a giant saguaro
      feasting on nectar.

      You must have found me
      thirsting in the desert
      huddled under a paloverde.
      Or did you hear me
      weeping at the grave
      beneath a cloudless sky?

      When day becomes night
      and we are held
      in the twilight of not knowing
      if it’s dusk or dawn
      our dreams become real
      in a half-lit room where
      shadows chase each
      other around the walls.

      A pair of white-winged doves
      build their nest on the chain link fence
      that separates the prison
      from the Sonoran Desert.

      I hope you will find it better
      to love a man
      you cannot be with
      than be with a man
      you cannot love.

      from #28 - Winter 2007