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      June 9, 2009RiderBruce Berger

      Son of the rodeo circuit,
      He clung from kick to kick
      Till demon Coors reduced him
      From trick rider to trick.

      One-night stand or an hour’s,
      It rustled him a few
      Bucks for a few more cool ones.
      What’s a poor cowboy to do?

      Nights getting rolled in the alleys,
      Other nights when he lay
      On cement until they released him:
      There must be another way.

      In the mirror over the bottles
      He cast a lingering eye
      And landed a sugar daddy
      With a bunk where he could lie,

      With a kitchen he could eat in,
      A car that he could ride
      And a listening face to talk to.
      But the daddy up and died.

      He dried these tears and kept drying
      Until he was thoroughly dry,
      Sweating his way from detox
      To the halfway house to the Y.

      Son of a different circuit,
      He rides the bus by day
      To double shifts as a busboy,
      Evenings off at AA.

      A ride in the West is still lonely,
      And sometimes all you own
      Are pawn stubs instead of trophies
      And memories of being thrown.

      from #30 - Winter 2008