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      June 14, 2012Safe HavenJill Bergkamp

      In 1999, Texas became the first state
      to adopt a Safe Haven law, which
      decriminalized the act of abandoning
      unwanted infants and children.

      One mother drove from Michigan, past
      open prairie, scattered trees, acreage
      where quail bones curled under the feet

      of snowshoe hares. She drove past
      forests, lakes where massasauga snakes
      coiled in hibernation, drove until she saw

      tall grass and prairie, striped squirrels,
      until mourning doves and swallows signaled
      the destination. Some mothers said they’d be

      right back, and left their children
      with sandwiches and carrot sticks.
      Some kids were left with nothing as the mothers

      sped away. A few children never opened
      the hospital doors, instead they ran back
      to chase after tail lights. At the highway

      entrance one mother cried.
      Her jaw opened wide
      and all the animals tore out.

      from #36 - Winter 2011