September 12, 2024Safety Features
Among clouds, I have an empty plastic cup
But I’m afraid where we are going,
The Pacific Northwest,
The Cascadia Subduction Zone,
Will be struck by a massive and violent
Earthquake that erases everything west
Of I-5, that my wife and I
Will be tragically killed by a tsunami
While on a whale-watching tour,
Clumsy in the romantic wonder
Of nature, and that our daughter
Will have to learn what that means
In age-appropriate chunks as she gets older,
First that we are gone, then how,
That we were people who were clumsy
In our romantic wonder of nature,
And so on like that until I am breathing
All weird and panicking up here,
Trying to remind myself that none of this
Is an appropriate disposition
For someone going on vacation. At least
I can be grateful that we all know what to do
In the event of a water landing.
We know about the safety features,
Of this particular aircraft,
Even as I feel my feet swelling in the atmosphere.
I untie my shoes and press the button overhead.
I’ll get another Dewar’s; I’ll try this again.
from Sky Mall