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      September 14, 2011SalomeJesse Weiner

      do you remember
      that cartoon, was it popeye, with louis
      armstrong singing I’ll be glad when you’re
      dead, you rascal you. he was
      a cloud, turned into a head, following
      bluto and singing. bluto
      learned fear. I love those cartoons
      because anything could happen, like
      popeye’s arm turning into an anvil or
      into a machine gun. like all the cans
      and pots in a kitchen becoming
      a jazz orchestra, matches dancing
      and lighting themselves. it was
      a cool day in early spring, we
      had the unveiling at my mothers
      grave, my brother and his wife
      and their adopted children.
      anything can happen, you
      can buy yourself a family.
      she was dead, as it turned
      out, buried and a headstone
      was set in her earth. larissa
      was going to come with me, not
      that I needed her to, but to give
      her a chance to make up for
      what she did the time of the funeral.
      but she didn’t come. anything can
      happen, I remember her learning
      to come. that week, I got a set
      of poems rejected, but they
      weren’t my poems in the envelope,
      it wasn’t my name on the rejection slip.
      they never told me what they did
      with my poems, the ones I sent
      them. I think they were published
      and no one ever told me. there
      was another jesse weiner in boston,
      jessie wiener, though, but we
      always got each others phone calls.
      I put her number on the wall
      near my phone, ready
      to give to all her friends. I
      heard she did the same for me.
      I’m hoping she’s the one
      who got my pubs, my poems might
      have been hers after all.
      anything can happen. maybe
      it was her mother’s unveiling
      I went to, her kids
      my brother adopted. I’m going
      into my kitchen, she might be opening
      a can of sardines in my cabinet,
      from the inside, ready to sing
      and dance for me.

      from #34 - Winter 2010