April 27, 2023Selah

Waves wash over the beached shells. Searching in a way
that will not fail.
Strange how soft water shapes hard rock
with its ancient lunar language.
I wish I understood the pyramids. I wish I understood
what holds together all the unlit spaces of a night sky.
I came to the shore to see what it might teach me.
The ocean lays down her rhythm and I float
above the noise of my mind. Today the moon
is as close to earth as it will be all year,
but his is beside the point. A wise saint once said:
There is no truth without first becoming truth. It’s true,
we become what we love. I love this silence
above all else. This is where I learn
to be alone. This is where I learn
all desire is the desire of God in disguise.
Just listen to the hush of a slow moving wave. It is
the sound of a body emptying itself. It is the world
dreaming itself awake.
from Ekphrastic Challenge