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      February 11, 2020Self-Portrait as Mastodon RemainsChristina Olson

      the skull has been punched once             twice
      eleven thousand years later, the paleontologist
      fits another tusk into the holes & sees
      what damage the mouth can wreak
      once upon an epoch, one mastodon bleeds out
      & another one has a killer toothache
      mastodon, no one ever told you that a hairy coat
      hides all the blood             or that the head
      weeps from any hole it sees fit to
      when your bones are resettled in the flood
      do not mourn the scattering of jaw from rib
      & hasn’t the heart begged free from the tongue
      when they find what remains of your mouth, smile
      finally revealed despite the blue effort of glacier
      mastodon:             the words breast + tooth in Greek
      that was my last kiss             my best kiss
      Christina Olson is tonight’s guest on the Rattlecast! Tune in live at 9pm ET by clicking here.

      from The Last Mastodon

      Christina Olson

      “In summer of 2017, I was invited to serve as poet-in-residence for a paleontology conference and exhibition (“The Valley of the Mastodons”) at the Western Science Center in Hemet, California. These pieces were inspired by that time spent among the paleontologists as well as my observations of the museum’s collections of fossils, particularly Max the Mastodon.”