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      March 13, 2020Self-Selection for PreservationJasmin Roberts

      My grandmother will tell you that
      she does not like white people,
      does not look them in the eye.
      W.E.B. Du Bois coined the term double consciousness in 1903.
      It refers to the psychological experience of viewing oneself
      through the lens of a racist white society.
      He meant that to grow up black in America
      is to be baptized in internalized racism,
      to bathe in the waters of white supremacy
      in hopes of ever feeling clean and black at the same time.
      Earnestine lived her entire childhood
      in a          segregated south.
      She does not like white people
      because you cannot un-know
      a system that writes your birth certificate
      and eulogy
      on the same day,
      cannot blame a monster and not its creator,
      absolve those who
      show up to the lynchings
      with picnic baskets,
      and then avert their eyes
      to preserve their appetites.
      My grandmother thinks my brother’s white wife is       silly
      for the way she lusts after a table
      with a black man at the head
      and tries to call it home.
      Just the way white babies
      buried their faces in their mamie’s bosom
      long after they knew better,
      long after mamie stopped being able
      to look them in the eye.
      My grandmother does not look
      White people in the eye
      not because she fears them,
      but because she has no desire
      to see herself

      from #66 - Winter 2019

      Jasmin Roberts

      “My favorite toy as a child was Legos. I loved the way I could command all of the colors and shapes into a world I understood, a world where others understood me. I write because words are Legos, and I hope that if I put the pieces together just so, for a moment, someone might hear me.”