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      April 16, 2023Serious PeopleElizabeth McMunn-Tetangco

      That’s what we want
      for our children, isn’t
      it? Shoulders that fit
      like shoulder pads. Not
      sloping gravel ones, the pieces
      flying off. I need
      to make everything small, so I can
      see. Pennies
      with dates stamped
      because somehow that will
      matter. Tips
      of teeth.
      Someone told me once
      his biggest fear
      is death. No,
      I’m just kidding! It was
      failure. Like it might
      come out and eat
      him. Like
      the people on the street would somehow
      It’s springtime now. I’m watching hawks
      during my meetings, holding cloud-
      shade on their backs.
      All the heart-
      shaped arcs of bees
      doing their work.

      from Poets Respond

      Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco

      “I realize there are a thousand more important things happening in the world at large right now, but I wanted to write about the line of dialogue on Succession where Logan tells his children that he loves them, but they aren’t serious people. Succession was in the news a lot this week for various reasons (I’m not getting into spoilers here or in the poem), and something about that line hit me really hard because I feel like I can relate. Thank you for the chance to send these and for reading them all every week!”