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      April 17, 2020Kim AddoniziomSestina: Writing

      I spent an entire day at my desk writing
      vapid effluvia like I’m so sick of writing
      pages of drivel, not feeling like a writer
      at all even though “A writer writes
      and doesn’t just talk about writing”
      was drilled into me by a writing
      instructor years ago. “Writing
      begets writing”
      was another lesson I learned from this writer
      though she published only one book, written
      when she was twenty-five, and never wrote
      another. She taught writing
      until she shot herself at forty. Writers
      sometimes kill themselves—after all, writing
      is difficult and so is mortal life and even good writers
      are sometimes bad at living; writing
      can be a place to hide, but you can’t write
      all the time and when you hate what you do manage to write
      it makes you feel dead already. To write
      well is another story entirely. Sometimes writing
      takes you so far out to sea that you, the writer,
      disappear like shredded fog. There is no writer.
      The ocean is the writer.
      When it lets you go, weak as a dangling modifier, the writing
      washes in like space debris. You say “I wrote”
      but you didn’t, really. You only transcribed the writing
      the ocean gave you. According to some writers
      God is the Ur-writer
      since He created the world and humans but as a writer
      He got mixed results at best. The best writing
      sometimes might be no writing.
      Does the world really need more writing
      and more people trying to be writers
      when there is so much wrong that writing
      can’t fix? It seems the most that writers
      can do is call out to the world, but who listens to writers?
      Possibly, no one. But keep writing; be a writer.
      Without hope or reason: writing. Beyond good and evil: writing.
      And if you stop writing, try not to shoot yourself. Get a life.

      from #67 - Spring 2020

      Kim Addonizio

      “I was reading something by Plath, who’s been a common gateway drug for young women writers, and I was just blown away. It gave me a certain feeling, like the feeling you get when you listen to a piece of music you love, that moves you in some way, that opens up your spirit. The way poetry made me feel when I was reading it made me want to write it and create my own version. Whatever energy was held in that language, I wanted to find my own way of accessing it. So that was the beginning, and it really was like lightning.”