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      October 23, 2018Seven Happy EndingsLi-Young Lee

      Love, Love, Love, where are we now?
      Where did we begin?
      I think
      one of us wanted to name this,
      wanted to call it something!
      Shadows on the Garden Wall.
      A Man Rowing Alone Out to Sea.
      A Song in Search of a Singer.
      I think that was me, I wanted to call it something.
      And you? You were happy
      with a room, two rooms, and a door to divide them.
      And daylight on either side of the door.
      Borrowed music from an upstairs room.
      And bells. Bells from down the street.
      Bells to urge our salty hearts.
      But I wanted to call it something.
      I needed to know what we meant
      when we said we, when we said
      us, when we said this.
      So call it Seven Happy Endings.
      That would have been enough.
      You see, I woke up one night
      and realized I was falling.
      I turned on the lamp and the lamp was falling.
      And the hand that turned on the lamp was falling.
      And the light was falling, and everything the light touched
      falling. And you were falling
      asleep beside me.
      And that was the first happy ending.
      And the last one?
      it went something like this:
      A child sat down, opened a book,
      and began to read. And what he read out loud
      came to pass. And what he kept to himself
      stayed on the other side of the mountains.
      But I promised seven happy endings.
      I who know nothing about endings.
      I who am always at the beginning of everything.
      Even as our being together
      always feels like beginning.
      Not just the beginning of our knowing each other,
      but the beginning of reality itself.
      See how you and I
      make this room so quiet with our presence.
      With every word we say
      the room grows quieter.
      With every word we keep ourselves
      from speaking, even quieter.
      And now I don’t know where we are.
      Still needing to call it something:
      A clock the bees unearth,
      gathering the over-spilled minutes.

      from #25 - Summer 2006

      Li-Young Lee

      “I’m always listening for or trying to feel, just to get a sense of that field of mind that you’re in when you write, when a poem happens, so I’m always feeling around for that. I’m doing that 24 hours a day, and I’m ready to put everything down to write the poem. I got up this morning about 4 a.m. because I thought there was something happening. I wanted to sleep in because I went to bed late last night, but I thought no, no, no, because it doesn’t always happen. So I got up and started writing—nothing came of it, a couple of lines. I don’t have a system. I just feel like I’m doing it all the time.”