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      June 29, 2017She Tells Him of Her FearsPriyam Goswami Choudhury

      Image: “The Pink Bird Corridor” by Soren James. “She Tells Him of Her Fears” was written by Priyam Goswami Choudhury for Rattle’s Ekphrastic Challenge, May 2017, and selected as the Editor’s Choice.
      this w_rld as y_u kn_w it
      n_t because _f itself
      y_ur _wn h_ll_wness—
      a faculty _f y_ur existence
      the _rder _f things
      as y_u kn_w it
      bec_mes a semblance
      _f what it is n_t;
      like an empty carcass
      at the Smiths_nian;
      the pe_ple peering in
      are actually peering

      Comment from the editor, Timothy Green

      “To be honest, I find this poem perplexing, and I’m not exactly sure why I love it any more than I understand why it’s the letter O that is missing from the text. With its vivid, dreamlike strangeness, though, it fits the image perfectly. Both the photograph and the poem are oddities—artifacts to peer through and contemplate, that are also clearly and vividly rendered.”