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      May 2, 2020José A. AlcántaraSi Se Puede

      When I take my morning walk now,
      I am Pancho Villa. I am Che Guevara.
      I am an outlaw in a mask and dark glasses.
      I am starting a revolution.
      Power to the peonies!
      ¡Vivas to the violets!
      We would rather die on our knees,
      sniffing at a flower,
      than live, standing in line,
      waiting for toilet paper to arrive.
      Quivering, I throw my heart out,
      six feet in every direction.
      All that creeps, crawls, slithers,
      or flies, I love.
      I lower my mask.
      I fling wide my arms.
      I kiss death full on the mouth.

      from Poets Respond

      José A. Alcántara

      “As the lockdown continues, I continue to venture out, wearing my mask. When, looking in a mirror, I tie my bandana around my neck, I see how my look looks like a look most people wouldn’t like. And so, as is required, I embrace that which I previously avoided.”