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      March 6, 2016SignsKai Carlson-Wee

      Reading again how the bees are dying.
      The seals are dying. The sharks are making
      their way up the Western Coast, losing
      their sense of smell. The days are getting
      warmer still. The Williston oil rigs
      bleeding their heat on the cool gray passage
      of clouds. Crickets are matching their whine
      to the drainpipe. Lightning bugs failing to reach
      the pulse, tracking the headlights of cars.
      Trump. Corruption. Twenty-five gone
      with a suicide bomb in Iraq. I part the blinds
      to let the morning light pour in. The wheezing
      brakes of rush-hour traffic, inching its way
      through the park. The hardest sheet of ice
      is melting. The gray wolf murdered again
      for the lacquered wood of the hunter’s
      wall. The children of Flint, Michigan
      are dying. The people of Syria and Libya
      are dying, slaughtered by warlords or driven
      to various borders of heatstroke and sand.
      The stars are crossing the western plains
      on their oiled blades of grief. The eagle’s wings
      are breaking thin and the drone that will drop
      the next atomic bomb is being built in a warehouse
      in North Dakota. Where is the courage to say
      this prayer? I turn on the kettle to make
      my tea. Stand in the window to look at the fog
      burn away from the Golden Gate Bridge. Earl Grey.
      Oolong. Lipton Black. I hear the whistle start
      to scream. I sweeten the water with honey.

      from Poets Respond

      Kai Carlson-Wee

      “I started this poem after reading an article about the declining population of honey bees. A bee expert was quoted saying, ‘Everything falls apart if you take pollinators out of the game,’ and I started to think about the ways in which our public discourse seems to be unraveling, bloated with fear mongering and hate speech and anger, and as I started to read a few more articles (a suicide bombing at a funeral in Iraq, the Flint water crisis, Donald Trump’s comments, etc.) I started to feel like something more basal and elemental was going wrong with the current state. The poem attempts to come to terms with these spiraling doomsday processes and the impact of global information that only seems relevant to some place else.”
