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      September 5, 2023Sharon FerranteSix Senryu from the Kitchen

      in the kitchen
      I don’t know how to act
      meeting my flame
      kissing you—
      too much cilantro
      in the guacamole
      bad habit smoking catfish
      for biscuits to bake
      flaky friends
      I add to the salad
      —a wish
      fondue dipping the moon lower

      from Prompt Poem of the Month

      Note from the series editor, Katie Dozier:

      Prompt: Write a poem in which something is cooked.

      “There were so many amazing prompt poems this month, but what set Sharon Ferrante’s senryu sequence apart was the fresh joy I found while reading it. At once whimsical and heart-warming, she took us on a journey in only a handful of words. The prompt for her winning poem was to ‘write a poem in which something is cooked,’ and Sharon delivered by cooking up a sequence that is a masterclass on how to write stunning senryu—haiku’s more playful cousin.”