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      April 12, 2019Soccer DadSteve Henn

      So I have to sit through my son’s soccer practice
      for 45 minutes before the nine-year-olds gladiate
      and step on each other’s feet and take balls in the face
      in the third game of the season and I think I’ll bring
      a poetry book to read no big deal nobody’s gonna notice
      well I’ve been reading along in this poetry book and it’s a good
      poetry book and I turn to a poem that includes a snake
      and the snake is oiled/ slick like a male member slick
      with the juices of the female or something to that effect
      and I’ve got this book open, on my lap, thinking, Christ,
      these good soccer moms and dads are gonna think I’m
      some odd sort of pervert reading about a slick member
      while sitting at a soccer game for nine-year-old boys
      so I put the book down but I’m bored the practice is boring
      the games are better it’s a competition between your children
      and other people’s children which is the best way
      to get the American parent interested in their children
      that I know of so I decide to pick up the book again
      and open to the next page and the title of the poem
      is “Foreskin” good gravy how am I supposed to bring
      a poetry book to soccer practice to enjoy in my own
      private island of headspace not having to talk
      to the other parents if emblazoned there at the top of the page
      I’m reading that anybody can peek over and ask about is
      “Foreskin” and I mean no disrespect to the poet
      this poet was recommended as one of the greats
      writing in American English today and she probably is
      some of the poems earlier in the book really did
      take the top of my head off in the way the ol’ cat lady
      said poetry ought to so the game starts my son’s team
      goes up 3-0 in the first quarter lickety split
      then the other side gets a goal back in quarter two
      then my son volunteers to play goalie which terrifies me
      and he performs three hair raising saves two in the corner
      by the post just before the ball crosses the goal line
      and another by charging out into the thick of legs
      around the penalty spot claiming the ball by diving on it
      when the ball’s on the other side of the field I call to him
      “Oren!” and give him two thumbs up like I’m saying
      which dad is proud of his son—this guy! definitely not
      like I’m saying who wants the word “Foreskin” real big
      in the book of poetry they’re reading among the churchgoing
      normies of Normaltown Indiana and Oren thumbs up back
      and we’re feeling pretty good till they get one lucky one
      and then another because nobody on our team will get in the way
      of the big boy on the other side and he crushes one from fairly close
      range Oren didn’t have a chance so after that second goal
      he walks over to the sideline rips his goalie penny off
      throws it on the ground kicks something and yells
      and all the parents are awwwwing and oooohing and ahhhhing
      look at that a nine-year-old throwing a fit cause he got scored
      on twice and I was sad and all but not disappointed really
      not upset who’s going to begrudge a nine-year-old a fit
      when a kid built like a truck has just crushed two balls past him
      in quick succession and I kinda wanna take the pressure off my kid
      and make him not the center of revulsion or pity or empathy
      or whatever human emotions are being psychotransmorgrificationally
      beamed in his direction so I open the poetry book
      lay it on my lap plain as day in the 70 degree sunshine
      look around at all the parents and go “can anybody tell me
      what this word means?”
      Steve Henn is the guest on Rattlecast #68! Click here to watch …

      from #62 - Winter 2018

      Steve Henn

      “This poem is the true (-ish) story of the lengths I will go to avoid awkward conversation with other soccer parents. When I read it aloud for poetry people I typically read the last line of dialogue as ‘can anybody tell me / what ‘foreskin’ means?’”