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      June 13, 2019Steers in Summer, LowingLarry D. Thomas

      Against a backdrop of blue heaven
      and mesas hot as blacksmiths’ anvils,
      still stunned by the musk of men
      who castrated them as calves,
      they blanket the bleak range
      like an unrolled scroll of reddish-
      brown parchment scrawled with a savage
      calligraphy of horns. Tails lash
      hides so sunstruck they’re tanned
      alive on racks of ribs
      guarding hearts and the grand
      bellows of lungs. The nubs
      of grass they grind with giant molars
      are but straw they burn to fuel
      their hellfire breath. The lavenders
      of the evening ahead are cool
      foreshadowings of their fate
      of cold storage lockers on whose dim
      hooks they’ll sway as sides of meat,
      drooling the mouths of those who fed them.

      from #30 - Winter 2008

      Larry D. Thomas

      “I have written poetry consistently for over 35 years. I write it first because I must and secondly because I love the challenge of working with language at its highest possible level: poetry. Since the age of three, when I made my first words with wooden alphabet blocks, I have viewed words as threedimensional, perfect building blocks for structuring into the towering cathedrals of poetry.”