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      December 16, 2021Amanda NewellStill Attached

      His foot, cast and wrapped
      in gauze, toes sprouting
      like sun-scorched weeds—
      not even the worst
      of what he refuses to call
      his combat injuries,
      since he was never in
      actual combat, unworthy
      of the Purple Heart merely
      for being in the driver’s seat.
      So when he wishes himself
      dead, I try to imagine Adam
      in the underworld, sulking
      with Achilles, two players
      ejected from the game.
      How cruel they can be,
      the gods, who know so well
      our particular griefs: his
      piss-stained underwear
      piled in the corner, my shame
      at his noticing my noticing,
      how we speak of his luck.

      from I Will Pass Even to Acheron

      Amanda Newell

      “The collection was inspired by my former high school student Adam, who nearly died while serving in Afghanistan when a command-controlled improvised explosive device was detonated beneath the M-ATV he was driving. In school, Adam loved literature and was drawn in particular to the literature of war. During his long recovery, I would visit him in the VA hospitals with some of his other teachers, and I often found myself struck by the power of the war narrative and how its particular mythology stubbornly persists in the face of human destruction.”