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      November 11, 2021Stone SeasKeith Wilson

      that hold your ship
      to its course dead
      into the gunfire
      ahead, a course
      charted long before
      on stone paper, with
      a stone channel
      for the ship to go
      into battle with its
      own stone Operation
      Order, there is no
      changing the sea
      and little chance
      of changing the Order
      and you, what are you
      but stone too, your
      binoculars clasped
      in your tight hands
      while the bright flowers
      of war engrave
      the skies above you.

      from Issue #13 - Summer 2000

      Keith Wilson

      “Naval Academy graduate, Korean War vet, former college professor, now retired in my native state of New Mexico, I collect old fountain pens and participate in an extremely active art community in the Las Cruces-El Paso area.”