“Tattered and Broken” by Julia Sherman

Julia Sherman (age 11)


The dog lies there on my bed
Tattered and broken
A desk curls up snug in a corner
And never in a million years will it be clean

Tattered and broken
I will never forsake him
And never in a million years will it be clean
The only noticeable object is a picture when I was three, smiling
as wide as a river

I will never forsake him
A desk curls up snug in a corner
The only noticeable object is a picture when I was three, smiling
as wide as a river
The dog lies there on my bed

from 2017 Rattle Young Poets Anthology


Why do you like to write poetry?

Julia Sherman: “I like writing because it frees me to go anywhere, do anything, feel everything—to imagine a life without limitation.”

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