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      March 25, 2023Teacher’s PrayerR.A. Villanueva

      Blessed are you, maidens of the one hundred and eighty afternoons
      You of the cough at the first inhale                 You of the cut
      school for the seashore
      You of the sequined nails, the powdered
      eyes, the breeze of lilac and lavender
      You of the still-open door
      Blessed are you, child of the broken
      heart, the half-healed ventricle
      You, the chamber voice, the madrigal
      lift, the harmony and hum                         You of the pink
      You of the dark black ink
      You of the grandmother’s abattoir
      hidden among the exits of the New Jersey Turnpike
      You backstroking Ophelias and #2 pencils
      You of the boardwalk tattoo, of the snapping latex, of the pierced
      tragus, of the soft cartilage                  You
      of the essays in arabesques, the hearts above
      the i’s, the diary left out on purpose, the origami messages,
      the whispered consonants                        Pray for us
      You who roll
      your eyes in their painted sockets who
      affix his last name to yours on your notebooks
      Pray for us
      You who can still pick and choose                     You
      who manicure your faces full
      of the spark and sweat of future days
      Pray for us

      from #24 - Winter 2005

      R.A. Villanueva

      “I live in New York City, where every day itself is a poem.”