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      January 4, 2012The Beat Goes OnMyles Gordon

      It could happen that you are
      a child of the sixties and you hit it off
      with an exotic singer with raven black hair to her waist
      and you sing duets together that become so popular you get
      your own TV show that thrusts you to super stardom and your lives
      are lived in a fishbowl where things like
      the odd name you choose for your daughter
      become national fodder and it’s reported
      that you’re having affairs and your wife is having affairs
      and you break up amicably, lay low for a decade,
      then reinvent yourself as a Reagan republican,
      have a new family, run for mayor, run for Congress
      and surprising everyone, win, continue along
      clean cut wearing modest suits and ties,
      sporting short hair, and you are no longer considered
      the Sonny half of “Sonny and Cher” and
      haven’t been for some time, you are just another
      adequate minor conservative California congressman
      then one day in 1998 you’re out skiing in Tahoe
      and no one knows what happens for sure, you may have
      skidded on some ice, or gone too fast, or weren’t
      paying attention, and you slam head first into a tree
      dying on the spot, and it could happen
      that fifteen years later “The Beat Goes On” is playing
      on the loudspeaker at the Christmas Tree Shoppe
      in Sherwood Plaza, in Natick, Massachusetts
      and a man could be walking aimlessly through the store
      killing time a few minutes early to a meeting
      and while he is walking past a display of Foofa pillows that
      you can wrap on the back of your neck to sit comfortably
      in an airplane or in a car he stops and listens
      to you and Cher sing over that hypnotic, seductive bass
      and he is not really sure of the physiology
      of what makes a song so satisfying
      but drums keep pounding rhythm to the brain
      and he listens and starts thinking
      about the incredible randomness of life
      and how your life in particular represents
      what is bizarre and wonderful about America
      and he sees the pillows piled in the bin
      in all different colors, and decides
      if he were to buy one it would be orange.

      from #35 - Summer 2011