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      October 23, 2011The ClinicMartin Vest

      They come smelling
      like the inside of an ear
      like government curtains
      like a flagpole in the dead
      of winter
      with one leg
      with cancer
      with court orders
      with lies
      they come like the dead
      the undead
      like shells washed up
      bottles without messages
      They come hooked
      naked as starfish
      food and shelter
      money and clothing
      they come
      and come
      like blood from a wrist
      into my office
      notarized and wasted
      pouring their tears
      Into my mouth
      goes the vinegar of the damned
      goes the pale horse leaping
      liberty’s blue tongue
      sorrow upon
      in the child’s dead eye
      the red tape worm
      and slips into
      the stars.

      from #26 - Winter 2006