May 6, 2020The Commuters of Penn Station Want to Go Home
The commuters of Penn Station want to go home.
A way home is up there, somewhere on the board.
The gate will show there, up there on the board.
A penetrating stare may uncrack the code,
A penetrating stare will uncrack the code.
That trash bag by the stairs looks like a man.
The trash bag lying by the stairs is a man.
Hey You. You lookin’ at me?
Not you. Yeah You—Why you lookin’ at me?
A flicker on the board and they flow toward the man.
The flow becomes a river and we step over the man.
Stairways must be kept clear, rivers flow to the sea.
The stairway is now clear, that man was swept out to sea.
The commuters of Penn Station want to go home.
from #67 - Spring 2020