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      May 28, 2022Richard VargasThe Company Provides a Free Lunch on the Day it Lays Off 250 Employees

      we turn off our computers at noon
      carry a box with our personal items
      framed family pics and employee
      of the month coffee mugs
      small potted plants and clock radios
      we are led down the hallway
      with its antiseptic floors and off-white
      walls to the free lunch
      they are providing before we
      are shown the door one last time
      some hold on to their boxes as
      if they are naked and are
      trying to hide their genitals
      we march by the HR table
      in order to pick up our severance
      we must sign release papers that
      prevent us from telling
      others what was done to us
      how it made us feel
      to be blackmailed
      into silence
      we stand in line
      we are given
      one rib
      one piece
      of chicken
      a small plastic
      container of
      cole slaw
      one-third of
      a cob of corn
      a tab of butter substitute
      wrapped in foil
      packages of salt
      and pepper (one each)
      BBQ sauce also in
      a small plastic cup
      a roll
      a cookie
      one white plastic fork
      and knife
      a crisp neatly folded
      white paper napkin
      one can of soda
      (off brand)

      from #37 - Summer 2012

      Richard Vargas

      “At the age of 57, I am once again looking for a fulltime, paying job. And for the first time, I know what it feels like to wonder if anyone will ever hire me again. All the feel-good stats that keep popping up are bullshit. Poetry is my life jacket.”