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      March 22, 2019The Condition of WaterPeter Dale Scott

      Turning back toward home
      on my after-breakfast walk
      I face the steep hill of eucalyptus
      that stands over our neighborhood
      and am struck by the beauty
      of what can hardly be seen
      for today after heavy rain
      the highest levels are obscured
      like the truth of the Tao Te Ching
      by the low-lying duvet of cloud
      the farthest trees barely visible
      looking remote as if ranged
      on some twelfth-century Chinese scroll
      Tell me! What is it in our
      bicameral brain that makes
      obfuscation of mere fact
      so much more beautiful?

      from #62 - Winter 2018

      Peter Dale Scott

      “If I choose to write poetry, it is usually because I still hope to become acquainted with myself. But most poems come unbidden.”