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      September 1, 2012The Don’tsJeff Vande Zande

      (An Incomplete List)

      Don’t let your cell phone rest
      against your ear or any other body part. Don’t use the same ear
      for every conversation. Don’t use your cell phone
      while you’re driving
      since it must continually reconnect with antennas,
      which uses more power,
      and the signal is reflected by the metal around you.
      All of the above doubles the chances for salivary gland anomalies, gliomas
      and acoustic tumors.
        Don’t own a cell phone.
          Never leave the house
      without a cell phone
          because you never know when you’ll need someone.
      Digitally Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECTs)
          constantly emit radiation.
      Try never to use one while you are using one.
        Don’t use computers, printers, iPhones, iTouches, BlackBerries, etc.
        Wireless signals are a source of electromagnetic radiation.
      Don’t doubt the truth of this; Google it for yourself.
       Don’t ever use the Internet.
      Every search you execute exposes you to viruses.
      Even if you don’t have wireless
          service, don’t leave your Wifi setting in the on position;
      the device will emit electromagnetic energy
            in a continuous search
       for the nearest available router.
      Don’t own a computer.
      Try never to breathe on Ozone Alert days.
          Don’t stand within twenty feet of an operating microwave.
      Don’t believe you’re safe.
      Set your cell phone inside your microwave
      to test it for radiation leakage. Call it
      with another cell phone. If you can hear it ringing,
      it means that microwaves can pass through the walls
      of your microwave oven.
      Don’t microwave
        your cell phone.
      Don’t own a microwave.
      Don’t forget to microwave leftovers to kill bacteria. Try not to eat leftovers.
        Don’t waste food.
      If you can help it, don’t eat.
      Don’t own a plasma TV
        which generate high levels
          of dirty electricity,
      linked to fatigue,
      difficulty concentrating
       and cardiac symptoms
               in sensitive people
      (known as electrohypersensitivity).
      Don’t forget to watch programs on your plasma TV about household safety.
        Don’t, if you can avoid them, own a television or a home.
      Don’t put your feet up while relaxing; we don’t know why yet, just don’t.
      Don’t forget to try to relax.
      Don’t do anything stressful.
      Don’t forget that stress is a sign that you are probably living.
      Don’t wake up; don’t sleep.
        Don’t do anything that feels good.
        Don’t do anything that feels bad.
        Don’t do anything.
      Don’t forget to breathe.
        Don’t forget to eat vegetables.
      Don’t forget to remember that the fertilizers they use to grow vegetables can leave
      trace amounts of carcinogenic nitrates in those salads you eat.
      Don’t forget there’s nothing you can do about any of this.
      This poem is already outdated.
      This poem will never get old.
      Don’t try to avoid reading this; it could save you.
        Don’t ever read this poem … it’s a proven killer.

      from #36 - Winter 2011

      Jeff Vande Zande

      “I owe the writing of my poem, ‘The Don’ts (an incomplete list)’ to my in-laws. They subscribe to a monthly newsletter that offers advice to retirees. When my father-in-law is done reading them, he puts them in the guestroom. One night, unable to sleep, I began to read an article with a title along the lines of ‘Why Your Household Electronics Are Probably Killing You’ or something fun like that. After reading that article, I got the idea for the poem, and I had a great time writing it. It’s a ‘found’ poem of sorts, though I needed to knock it into shape and make additions of my own to truly make it what I would call a poem.”