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      March 11, 2011Barbara CrookerThe Fifties

      We spent those stifling endless summer afternoons
      on hot front porches, cutting paper dolls from Sears
      catalogs, making up our own ideal families
      complete with large appliances
      and an all-occasion wardrobe with fold-down
      paper tabs.
      Sometimes we left crayons on the cement
      landing, just to watch them melt.
      We followed the shade around the house.
      Time was a jarful of pennies, too hot
      to spend, stretching long and sticky,
      a brick of Bonomo’s Turkish Taffy.
      Tomorrow’d be more of the same,
      ending with softball or kickball,
      then hide and seek in the mosquitoey dark.
      Fireflies, like connect-the-dots or find-the-hidden-
      words, rose and glowed, winked on and off,
      their cool fires coded signals
      of longing and love
      that we would one day
      learn to speak.

      from Issue #16 - Winter 2001

      Barbara Crooker

      “I am a ‘real Fifties girl,’ as the little girl next door said when ‘Happy Days’ aired. I live in rural Northeastern Pennsylvania, where I garden with no help from the deer, groundhogs, and rabbits who think it’s their produce section.”