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      April 20, 2018Yakov AzrielThe Immigrant

      Here is good, yes? We are one, yes? This land
      of love you’ve brought me to is different from
      all lands I’ve known before. I have become
      a resident who learns to understand—
      a little slowly, yes?—new customs and
      new laws. New music, too—to play a drum
      and saxophone, you’ve taught me, yes?—and some
      new dancing steps, you lead me, hand in hand.
      Despite my funny accent and the words
      I mispronounce; despite my failure to
      improve my speech; despite the way I dress;
      despite my dreams in which I speak to birds
      in foreign languages unknown to you,
      you love me as I am, you love me, yes?

      from #59 - Spring 2018

      Yakov Azriel

      “I was born in New York City in 1950, and came to live in Israel in 1971, after finishing my BA in Brooklyn College. Although I no longer live in America, and although I speak Hebrew well, I feel more comfortable writing poetry in English than in Hebrew. I am not sure that the fact I no longer live in the country of my birth is reflected in my poems, but I do believe being at home in more than one language and more than one culture can give a writer a greater perspective and hopefully greater depth. In a sense, we are all strangers.”