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      May 19, 2020The Incomprehensibility of OrderJimmy Pappas

      Whose turn is it
      anyway? she jokes
      to poke fun at me,
      while I, the oldest,
      hide my guilt.
      If the world were fair,
      her hair would
      still be her own
      instead of a wig.
      For the rest of the day,
      no one mentions it again.
      When the food is ready,
      we each take turns
      filling our plates.
      A cooper’s hawk
      swoops down
      in a failed attempt
      to capture a chickadee
      at the birdfeeder.
      We sit in her yard,
      where the small fire
      in the ember pit
      burns slowly.
      Jimmy Pappas was the guest on episode #34 for the Rattlecast. Click here to watch!

      from Falling off the Empire State Building

      Jimmy Pappas

      “My Dad told me before he died about a creative idea he had to make ‘mythology cards.’ They would be like baseball cards. He would draw a figure from Greek mythology on one side, and on the back of the card would be a story about the drawing. I realized he was sharing with me an artistic dream of his that he could never do now. I promised him that I would finish my first book of poetry and get it published because that was my artistic dream. We all have in us this godlike desire to create.”