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      June 12, 2022The Insurrectionists Were RightAlison Luterman

      something was stolen—not
      the election, counted and recounted, nor
      their livelihoods, abandoned, it seems,
      without a second glance; not their womenfolk
      who turned their cell-phone boasts and Facebook posts
      over to the FBI, nor the Confederate statue, lassoed
      by a million ropes and toppled
      into the river, not even the fewer
      and fewer white children playing cowboys
      and Indians in vacant lots, or the more
      and more Black youth winning
      Merit scholarships—but something
      aches, a phantom limb, the tongue
      searching for its gone tooth, the stomach
      ringing hollow no matter how many Big Macs
      were eaten—something
      has been mislaid, like a wallet
      or the one set of keys
      that unlocks the only car that still runs; something
      once thought valueless, handed over
      too easily, the way we relinquished
      our wildness as children to sit behind little desks
      made of molded plastic,
      miniature businessmen in training. Something
      that has vanished like youth, elusive
      as a coyote’s howl; open the door, there’s nothing
      in the bare back yard but plundered
      American desert where even now a jackrabbit
      pauses to sniff the air—where is it where is it,
      do you miss it too? I do. I miss
      knowing what belonging to the land
      might have felt like, long ago. I miss the honor
      of shaping my footsteps to the pine needle path—
      so even if I hate
      what they did, I understand
      that something is missing in the maelstrom of the lie
      that made us American, something like an umbilicus
      connecting us to this earth, something like innocence;
      once gone you can never get it back.

      from Poets Respond

      Alison Luterman

      “This last week we heard again about the January 6th assault on the Capitol. This poem seeks to empathize with the grief of the insurrectionists, if not their grievance.”