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      January 11, 2022Zebulon HusetThe Moon Is Covered in Rabbits and Trash

      “This time it really is goodnight. There are still many questions I would like answers to, but I’m the rabbit that has seen the most stars. The Moon has prepared a long dream for me, I don’t know what it will be like—will I be a Mars explorer, or be sent back to Earth?”
      —YUTU Moon Rover

      For weeks we had an intriguing mystery:
      a perfect cube popping over the horizon
      of the moon. A moon hut, they called it,
      they, not being nerds aka scientists, but
      the cool kids publishing their words on
      websites world-round. And we all knew
      it was click-bait. It was wishful thinking,
      not even propaganda like a waving flag
      where there’s no wind (but there actually
      is the reverberations of a pole jostled as it
      was propped up by a man in a bulky suit).
      We knew, knew it was just a rock (spoiler—
      it was), but that didn’t stop us from clicking
      and providing sweet, sweet ad revenue
      (and, our personal browsing history via
      cookies embedded in our computers).
      Our super secret spy on the moon was
      YUTU-2, younger brother of the original
      ‘Jade Rabbit’ rover YUTU—social media
      sensation and part-time Chinese moon rover
      that enthralled us with its cute messages
      which were totally not just an advertising
      agency putting an adorable face on its
      usually bland scientific announcements
      until we were unknowingly hooked and
      then heartbroken when it finally faltered
      and we marveled as the star-gazing bunny
      gave us a tear-filled goodbye. Its successor
      spied the ‘hut’ and again enthralled us all.
      Now, no one posited it was one of the six
      lunar modules NASA landed or crashed
      and left on the moon’s surface, those
      monuments (trash) were well-plotted,
      and in some cases, surrounded by bags
      of frozen urine and feces and packaging
      too costly to retrieve from the moon.
      Not to mention all of the machinery that
      died or was abandoned like the aforementioned
      Jade Rabbit. So when the Second Jade Rabbit
      slow-rolled its way closer to the ‘hut’ it was,
      surprise, surprise) a rock. Oblong, not quite round,
      and not even enormous, just big enough to blip
      the lip of a crater enough for the low resolution
      camera to pixelate it. It was also dubbed Jade Rabbit
      because, why not. We have enough unnamed rocks.

      from Poets Respond

      Zebulon Huset

      “I’ve long been taken with the story of the original Jade Rabbit Rover, so when the new one found a ‘hut’ which turned out to be a rock that they named Jade Rabbit as well, I had a hard time not writing a poem about the rabbits on the moon.”