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      July 11, 2017The Myth of SisyphusDavid Hernandez

      Myths are made for the imagination
      to breathe life into them.
      —Albert Camus

      As if pushing a boulder up a mountain
      wasn’t punishment enough,
      a malicious llama tormented him further
      with its incessant spitting.
      It was futile labor which included
      working overtime, even holidays,
      with no benefits. His heart grew heavy
      with the absurdity of his fate,
      but as the years passed, the great stone
      eroded a fraction each time it tumbled
      down the mountain. By the time his hair
      reached his waist, and his muscles
      were bigger than Zeus’, the rock
      was small enough to kick up the alp.
      At the summit, he watched the stone fall
      until he lost sight of it, whistled a tune
      as he descended, then searched the base
      of the mountain for the once mighty rock
      like a man who had lost
      a contact lens.

      from Issue #11 - Summer 1999

      David Hernandez

      “I am a lifelong subscriber to Simic’s belief that ‘comedy says as much about the world as tragedy does.’”