August 24, 2016The New Humility
So the last will be first, and the first last.
—Matthew 20:16
At first, jockeys rein their horses in.
Then they make them stand still
at the gun. When everyone does that,
they back up—at a walk, first; then, a run.
Workers try to earn the least, drive
the worst car, and dive deepest into debt.
Fashionistas vie to wear the shabbiest
clothes: coarse fabric, bad fit, full of holes.
When those holes get so big the clothes fall
off, people compete for Worst Body—
fattest, flabbiest, skinniest, most
malformed. People wear sores as kings once
wore jewels, until the point is reached
where hideous is beautiful. Then the trend
must be reversed—the fewer blebs,
fat-rolls, scars, humped backs, the better.
Football teams have lost so many yards,
points-given-up seem like points gained.
Horses lose more gloriously by running—
faced forward, all-out—in the wrong direction.
People forget they ever ran a different way.
from #52 - Summer 2016