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      July 26, 2009The Only ThingAlan Fox

                                                         “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
      —Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First
      Inaugural Address, March 4, 1933

      Place a wooden board
      one foot wide by twelve feet long,
      lay it on the ground
      and I will briskly walk from one end to the other.

      Place a wooden board
      one foot wide by twelve feet long
      between two ten-story buildings
      and I won’t touch the sucker.

      As far back as I can remember
      I have been afraid of edges,
      afraid of falling,
      which is why I take no high chances.

      I find it strange that many others—
      painters, window washers, steel workers—
      step on high
      without a thought.

      But as far back as I remember
      I have never been afraid of money—
      ten cents for a comic book
      or ten million dollars for an investment.

      The lesson, long hidden, is clear:
      My fear is not out there.
      It doesn’t belong to you.
      It’s merely inside me.

      from #30 - Winter 2008