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      November 18, 2018The Queen Ponders Her Laureate ChoiceA.M. Juster

      For many years it was my hope
      to choose that witty Wendy Cope,
      but she will not accept the honor
      and I cannot inflict it on her.
      My corgi trainer likes Craig Raine,
      but Charles insists he is a pain.
      I’m rather fond of Ian Duhig,
      but might his ego get too big?
      There’s Mona Arshi, Warshan Shire,
      and so many poets I admire.
      James Fenton’s verse is smooth as satin,
      but he is mostly in Manhattan.
      Though Simon Armitage is droll,
      the public may need more from this role.
      Caroline Bird or Ruth Padel
      would not be difficult to sell;
      Kate Tempest or Rebecca Watts
      would bring too many caveats.
      Don Paterson might please the Scots,
      and J.H. Prynne the academics,
      but choosing Prynne would stir polemics.
      Ben Wilkinson and Sarah Howe
      might win in time, but not right now.
      I hope my pick will not embitter
      those Brian Bilston fans on Twitter …
      Perhaps we need a novel voice,
      some totally surprising choice.
      Bob Dylan satisfied the Swedes;
      I wonder if the public needs
      a folk-rock legend in his prime—
      perhaps it’s Richard Thompson time.
      Stig Abell at The TLS
      could help with sorting out this mess,
      but snubbed committees formed for me
      would quickly turn disorderly …
      I might just trash the status quo
      and start a poet bake-off show
      with poets told where they can go
      by Simon Cowell, who would be snotty
      but better than the literati!

      from Poets Respond

      A.M. Juster

      With Carol Ann Duffy bowing out after ten years as Britain’s Poet Laureate, the competition to become her successor is heating up.”