March 10, 2014The Road
I say my children are
like lightning bugs.
I see how they
glow in the dark.
Sometimes, it is
the only light I see.
from #41 - Fall 2013
from #41 - Fall 2013
“I write because it is oxygen and food. I write because it makes me feel human. I write because I believe in stories and life. I write because I believe in love. My eldest son was four (will be fifteen years old this May) and my middle son was two when I became a single parent. I have been the only parent in their lives since. After two divorces, I have been living alone with my three sons, taking care of them and working as a full-time public school teacher. It is very difficult to be the mother and father, to have to try to be twice who I am and to have enough love to fill the spaces of two parents. When I look at my sons, I know that I must continue to be and I must continue to write.”