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      April 13, 2015The RoofersMather Schneider

      She always wanted me
      to get the roof fixed.
      It leaked for years.
      They came today
      got right to work, I had to love that sense
      of purpose.
      I watched them for a while then felt like a fool
      and came inside,
      listened to the boots walking
      all over my world,
      the house shaking like a war
      for hours,
      me down here in my bunker
      dust falling from the ceiling
      and them up there
      in the open
      balanced like little G.I. Joe dolls
      on the edge of a bathtub
      filled with hot tar, the hot tar
      they mopped onto the surface
      like heaven under
      a black light
      the stink of it, the nasty stink of it.
      By late afternoon it quieted down.
      I heard them laughing, and one guy
      sweeping up my patio
      like he owned the place, like some filthy
      shopkeeper, whistling
      a child’s tune
      and when they drove their huge truck away
      they didn’t even say goodbye.
      I came outside
      leaned my ladder against the house
      and climbed up,
      peeking my head up like a survivor
      looking onto a quiet sunset
      over a battlefield
      and I thought,
      it looks pretty good, but what
      do I know
      and I thought, a 4 followed
      by 3 zeros
      and I thought,
      she still isn’t coming back
      and I thought
      now it will probably never fucking rain

      from #46 - winter 2014

      Mather Schneider

      “I write poetry because I’m too lazy to write prose.”