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      January 19, 2023The Room as We See ItAndrew Payton

      Image: “Unsatisfied Externals” by J. Stormer. “The Room as We See It” was written by Andrew Payton for Rattle’s Ekphrastic Challenge, December 2022, and selected as the Artist’s Choice. (PDF / JPG)
      In the memory of the room
      we find a doorway
      to seeing the room as it is,
      as we had left it.
      We find a doorway
      framed in revisions,
      as we had left it
      open to correction.
      Framed in revisions
      we accept what shadows
      open to correction
      in the light show of sleep.
      We accept the shadows
      outside the photograph.
      In the light show of sleep,
      sunlight is liberated.
      Outside the photograph
      we dress the room in color.
      Sunlight is liberated
      through a window opened.
      We dress the room in color,
      in the memory of the room.
      Through a window opened
      to seeing the room as it is.

      from Ekphrastic Challenge

      Comment from the artist, J. Stormer

      “I am astounded by the variety of thoughts and emotions that my print inspired in the poems submitted to this challenge. It was especially interesting to see what details others found compelling. Although there are a few poets and poems I have appreciated over the years, I have never formally studied poetry, or any form of literature. So, my choice is entirely subjective without reference to any criterion other than resonance with my personal and idiosyncratic feelings. All the poems I saw were interesting, and there were several that made choosing a single poem almost impossible. I think poetry is really meant to be heard, so I read the poems aloud to myself, and the way the poems sounded to me was also important in the final choice. This print is unique in my mostly representational body of work. It was inspired by a vague memory of things seen when I was too young (according to the experts) to have memories. Perhaps this was a dream then. The central etching was done first, but did not catch the feeling of the memory as I experienced it. Many months later, experimenting with colographs, I came up with the outer, more abstract part of the image, which to me suggests the dreamlike state. This poem, for me, captures the idea of of things seen with incomplete remembrance and subject to mental revision.”